Ditch the Drama: Avoid Marijuana Although marijuana has become legal in states across the nation, it remains illegal at the federal level. This may make it hard to understand what is within the law for its use. Despite marijuana’s negative impact on health and wellbeing, its popularity is growing. With over 60 million Americans reporting marijuana use in 2022, it is the most frequently used federally illegal drug. However, using marijuana is not allowed for service members and can have severe consequences on your health and military career. What Is Marijuana? Marijuana comes from the dried cannabis plant. The plant contains delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes the ‘high’ that can alter your current mood, thoughts and perceptions. Over the last few decades, the potency of delta-9 THC in cannabis has quadrupled! This means that marijuana strains have gotten stronger, which increases the risk of harmful effects from use. Types of Marijuana Marijuana can be smoked, vaped or eaten. Products that contain marijuana could include Joints or blunts Disposable vapes or e-cigarette cartridges (e.g., pods) Baked goods Candy or gummies Seltzers, sodas or tea Alcohol Sometimes, it may not be obvious that a product contains marijuana. Always make sure an item does not have any amount of THC, cannabidiol (CBD), or hemp before using it. For more information on these substances and their differences, check out this webpage. How Does It Harm Health? There are physical and mental health consequences of marijuana use. Due to the presence of THC, marijuana has intoxicating effects on your body. There are also risks to long-term health, especially for those who smoke often or over long periods of time. Immediate Effects Using marijuana can change the way you think and alter your perception of time. It may also impair your memory and ability to move. You may notice feeling more irritable and restless after using marijuana. In some cases, marijuana can cause feelings of anxiety, panic and distrust (i.e., paranoia).If you use marijuana, your heart rate and blood pressure will likely increase. You might also experience an increased appetite, sometimes referred to as ‘the munchies.’ Smoking marijuana can cause breathing problems, coughing and mucus production. Long-term Impacts Mental HealthUsing marijuana can increase your risk of mental disorders, including anxiety and depression. It has also been associated with thoughts of suicide among U.S. military veterans. Marijuana use may lead to psychotic episodes, especially among those who use often or began at a young age. Those affected may have distorted perceptions of reality, including hallucinations and paranoia. Brain HealthMarijuana influences how your brain functions. Using marijuana often or in large amounts is associated with learning and memory problems. It may also negatively impact your attention span, processing speed and language skills. Those who start use at a young age may permanently lose up to 8 IQ points. Heart and LungsSmoking marijuana, especially over a long period of time, can increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, heart disease and irregular heartbeat. It can also damage lung tissue and small blood vessels, which may lead to scarring. Long-term use can increase your risk of chronic bronchitis and other breathing problems. Gastrointestinal IssueUsing marijuana may lead to acid reflux, peptic ulcer disease and pancreatitis. Heavy long-term use can result in cycles of severe nausea, vomiting and stomach pain, called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS). Cancer RiskYour risk of head, neck or throat cancer may be higher if you use marijuana. Cannabis Use Disorder Cannabis use disorder is a type of substance use disorder. Those with cannabis use disorder recognize that marijuana is causing problems in their life but are unable to stop use. Using marijuana, especially frequently or from a young age, can increase your likelihood of developing cannabis use disorder. About a third of people who use marijuana will develop the disorder. The most severe form of cannabis use disorder is addiction, which occurs in around 10% of people using marijuana. Signs of cannabis use disorder can include: Using more or longer than intended Unsuccessful attempts to quit Use despite physical or mental problems Sacrificing enjoyable or important activities for use Use in risky situations Increased tolerance Cravings Use despite relationship, home, school or work problems What About Its Positive Effects? Though some research has shown that marijuana is an effective strategy for pain management, it is not approved in any form by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Marijuana can cause negative health effects and interact with other drugs you take. Talk with your health care provider before using marijuana as a form of treatment. If you are in the military, using marijuana will result in your release from service. Are There Other Risks? Impaired Driving AbilityDriving under the influence of marijuana is illegal and unsafe. Marijuana use can cause slower reaction times, reduced coordination and poor judgement. While driving, this may translate to weaving in and out of lanes and having trouble with reacting appropriately to your surroundings. It may also be harder to focus on the road and accurately perceive distance. Because of these effects, your risk of a car crash may increase after using marijuana. While Pregnant or BreastfeedingMarijuana use among pregnant women is growing due to its positive effects on nausea and vomiting. However, using marijuana during pregnancy is not safe for you or your developing baby. Marijuana use while pregnant may cause an increased risk of stillbirth, premature delivery, low birthweight and lifelong problems with learning and behavior. Breastfeeding while using marijuana is also unsafe and may harm your baby’s brain development. How Does It Impact My Career? Marijuana is now recreationally and/or medically legal in 38 states, which permits residents to have and use small amounts for certain purposes. However, Warfighters who live or work in these states are not allowed to use marijuana and can still be arrested for doing so. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law and violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Failing a drug test can result in legal action and separation from the service. If you are caught with marijuana while in the military, you may face dishonorable discharge, loss of all wages and jail time. Even after leaving the military, you are subject to the UCMJ if you qualify for retirement. This means that retirees using marijuana may still be at risk of prosecution that results in losing military allowances. What About Use Prior to Joining the Military?Marijuana use is most common among people 18-25 years old, which aligns with the age of many military recruits. In recent years, the Army, Navy and Air Force have allowed waivers for recruits that test positive for marijuana. These individuals are allowed to re-test after 90 days and enlist if the results are negative. Even so, marijuana use is not permitted for Warfighters and can negatively impact your future in the military. Additional ResourcesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - “Marijuana: The Risks Are Real.”Too Much to Lose - “Marijuana, CBD & Hemp Facts”ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention - “Cannabis Health Effects”Drug Enforcement Agency - “Drug Fact Sheet: Marijuana/Cannabis”