When’s the last time you shopped locally? Farmers markets can be a fun way to shop for your weekly groceries, offering healthy options harvested and created by your fellow community members. There are many advantages to shopping at your local farmers market. Learn more and start making a difference in your community today!
Advantages of Shopping at a Farmers Market
As you may expect, food sold at farmers markets can be healthier than its counterpart at the grocery store. It can also be much more flavorful, because it is harvested at its peak ripeness during the growing season. Produce at the grocery store has often traveled long distances before arriving, which often results in reduced nutritional value and flavor. By contrast, produce at a farmers market is likely locally grown and has maintained its freshness due to the much shorter commute.
When picturing a farmers market, produce often comes to mind. However, farmers markets offer much more than fresh fruits and vegetables. They often have vendors selling jams, dairy products and bread, among other things. These markets are a great opportunity to try something new and get some walking steps in!
Farmers markets provide a welcoming, family-friendly environment to meet your fellow neighbors and interact with the people who grew or made the food you’re buying. You have the opportunity to ask questions about how the food is grown, so you can become a more informed consumer. By directly supporting your community, you may also feel more connected to those around you.
Farmers receive a larger portion of the profit when their products are bought from a farmers market compared to a grocery store. This is because food sold at the market doesn’t need packaging, marketing or transportation like the mass-produced items meant for stores. Bonus: this usually translates to lower costs for the consumer (you)!
Local farms use less fertilizer and pesticide than commercial farms, which reduces the amount of chemicals entering the nearby water supply. The shorter travel distance of food at a farmers market also reduces vehicle-related greenhouse gas emissions. Further, less plastic is used (and wasted) since excess packaging is not required at farmers markets.
Eating fresh, healthy foods is an important part of maintaining your health and readiness as a Warfighter. If you struggle to select healthy options or want to try something new, consider checking out your local farmers market!
Find a farmers market near you with this tool from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
- Columbia Climate School. - “Why You Should Shop at the Farmers Market”
- University of Illinois Urbana – Champaign - “Why Shop at a Farmer’s Market?”
- University of Maryland Medical System - “5 Reasons Why Farmers Markets are Good for You”
- University of Nebraska – Lincoln - “5 Reasons to Support Your Farmers Market”