Protected: How To Manage Anxiety As a Warfighter, being in-tune with your body is important for mission readiness and overall health. However, you may be at increased risk for mental health challenges, including anxiety. Although anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful events or conditions, persistent anxious feelings can disrupt your daily life and cause long-term health issues. Using healthy coping mechanisms, engaging in activities that support balanced mental health and seeking treatment when needed can all help decrease anxiety. This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: Additional ResourcesFederal Communications Commission - “988 Fact Sheet”Military OneSource - “Mental Health”Warfighter Wellness - “Building Your Resilience: How to Develop Coping Skills”ReferencesAnxiety and Depression Association of America - “Tips and Strategies to Manage Anxiety and Stress”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - “Managing Stress”Healthline - “Effects of Anxiety on the Body”Macdonald-Gagnon G et al - “Generalized anxiety and mild anxiety symptoms in U.S. military veterans: Prevalence, characteristics, and functioning”Medline Plus - “Anxiety”Military Health System - “Prevalence of Mental Health Conditions in Active Duty Service Members”National Institute of Mental Health - “Anxiety Disorders”World Health Organization - “Anxiety disorders”